April goal and looking back on 2019 so far
If you've read my first post of this year, Setting Goals for 2019, you know I've was planning on setting a new goal every month. As March comes to an end I thought I'd cover how the first few months of 2019 have been and what I'm planning for the remaining of the year. January My goal for January was to not...
Wishing for Spring
I don't know how the weather is where you are but here in Montreal winters are harsh. By the time March comes around it is TIME for spring to show up! While the weather have been milder in the last few weeks it is nowhere near skirt season yet. So here I am, pretending.My sweater is thrifted. I bought it in my hometown...
Dress your tech #3
Hi again! I'm back with an other dress your tech post. I have a new set of 10 phone wallpaper for you. This time, it’s all bird view style sceneries. Photos are from Pexel, quotes are from around the web. Send me a screenshot of your phone if you end up using one of those. I hope you'll enjoy them! ...
What I wear in a week #1 Video
Hey there! I'm back with an other video. I'm definitely still learning (hello bad lighting!) but this time around the editing was way smoother. I hope you'll enjoy the video! ...
Cilantro and Cucumber Gin & Tonic
I love cocktails. I love drinking them (in moderation), I love to look at recipes and I do, to an extend, enjoy making them. What I mean by that last statement is that i do enjoy mixing a simple cocktail but when it gets too complicated I tend to get lazy. Anyone else? I guess it’s not just cocktails but also recipes...
How to get free audiobooks - 100% legal
I bet that just like me you've heard about audible for a long time and though more than once about subscribing. But subscriptions are adding up and at the time (having only 1 and a half revenue for the both of us) I wasn't ready to pay the price. I don't exactly remember how, but I found out I could get (almost)...