I’ve been decorating my bedroom lately and one big thing that has been helping me in this process in creating a mood board. Well, sort of. More like a Pinterest board with rooms I like to draw inspiration from.
I started with one focus, I wanted it to be light. Lots of white. And while I was looking for inspiration I realized I was moving toward pastels and grey tones a lot. I was also matching a few things I already had in my bedroom, like a light green couch and light wood furniture. Even if my bedroom is not 100% finished (it probably never will be) I’m really happy with it so far and have just a few things to finish sorting out before I actually write a post on MY bedroom and not just inspiration for it.
I already started sharing a few shots on Instagram. If you follow me (HERE!) you might have seen my bead with DIY wrapping paper headboard (Maybe I should create a blog post about it. What do you think?) and this gallery wall I’m fairly proud of. What I’m struggling with is the other side of the room.
You see, my apartment is small. And I have a lot of things. Lots. Of. Things. Like, there is no space where you can see the wall from floor to ceiling because I have too much furniture. I know, that’s a bit much, but this is what happen when you live in a big two bedroom apartment and moved to a small one bedroom and somehow think you don’t need to get rid of things.

I did start to get rid of (some) stuff. But I love my things. I know minimalism is the thing nowadays, buuuuuut I can’t. Just can’t. All of my art supply is squished into a closet and I haven’t had time or space to paint in… Well, longer than I should admit. But I know I will use it again once we get a bigger place! And lots of other excuses like this. But letting things go is a process and the important thing is that I’ve started the process. We got rid of a few trash bags of useless stuff in the last months, that’s a start.
But that was not the point of this blog post. I’m just sharing that mood board I created over the last months and maybe try to inspire some of you in the process. So, are any of you redecorating lately? What does your bedroom look like?
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