April favorites

I thought I would have a lot of favorites this month. I was wrong. It’s been a half busy, half boring month. Busy because I went out of the city twice this month, which never happens to me. I usually leave Quebec City for Christmas when I go back to my parents house. At least this is how it’s been for the last three years.

But in April, my boyfriend and I went to Montreal two weekends in a row to find an apartment. We are moving in July. He will go to university in Montreal and I decided to go along.

Even if it’s been fun, it has been kind of exhausting too, especially since I’ve been kind of sick. And I missed my cats. And I ended up being really tired. I feel like this is the first time in three weeks that I am taking a night off to do something I like. That also explains why there’s been a lack of substance on the blog.

But enough talking here, lests go back to April favorites.

First of all, that orange scarf that I’ve been waiting for months to wear, since it’s more of a light scarf and it was still too cold. Well… was still cold even in April here, but I had enough of my winter scarf…

Goji berries have also been a favorite. I’d heard of it for a long time and finally got my hand of some of these. That makes a really good snack, especially on the road this month!

Revlon nearly naked foundation. I have this since around Christmas time, but only really got into in the last month. I really like the coverage. The color on its own (110 Ivory) is a little bit too light for me, but went combined with a bronzer I think it’s just perfect. It’s also been great with this Real Techniques buffing brush (yes, another dirty brush. I actually just washed it tonight).

I love this cat keychain. I always see the mat the drugstore right after I paid, so every time I’m thinking next time I’ll get it. And after about four months, I finally did! It is also a bottle opener, but I haven’t tried that yet.

And my last favorites are these stackable rings from H&M. I wore them every day at the beginning of the month, before I got too tired in the morning to even think about extra jewelry.

So that is pretty much it. I won’t say that I feel like mai will have lots of favorites, because it might turn against me. But to be honest, there are already some things on my list, which it a good sign.

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