Pre-Event Skincare

Lately I've been struggling to find good blog post ideas. I don't really have products to review. I don't go out much. I'd like to make outfits post from time to time, but I struggle to take good pictures. I'm trying some DIY, but it doesn't really ends up like I wanted.

I had an event last week (a portfolio review thing that made me incredibly nervous, but ended up not stressful at all. As it always is when I'm nervous for something). The night before, I was thinking that I will use this product, and this product and why not make a blog post about it?

I started the night before by using The Origins Drink Up, a nice moisturizing mask, to make sure my skin was plump and hydrated when it was time to put make up on.

In the morning, I started by using an exfoliant, the Body Shop chocomania body scrub, very lightly, to make sure I had no dead skin that would be noticeable after applying makeup. It is not made to be use on the face, but it's what I had on hand.

Then I used the Caudalie Divine Oil. I've talked about it in my 5 facial oils post. The scent of this product is so luxurious, so this is always what I use on a special day (or not so special day). It adds hydration, without feeling heavy or greasy on the skin. I only have the sample size, but when I run out I will definitely buy the full size, from what I understand, it comes in a spray - I'm all about that.

I ended my skincare with the Body Shop Aloe Soothing Gel to refresh my skin, and to help it heals (I had a couple of breakouts). It really feels good to apply this one on a hot day, because the gel formula makes it really refreshing.

After that, I applied my make up. It really was quite basic, so I didn't include it in this post.

What products do you use to make sure you skin in on perfect condition?

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