I’ve never been really good at sticking to new year resolutions. Now that I think about it I’ve never even been good at MAKING new year resolutions. I guess I’ve never seen the point since every time I would hear people talk about their resolutions it was usually followed by how they’ll probably stick to it for two week and then give up. So what’s the point really?
But here’s the thing : for the whole of 2018 I’ve been a mess, my life was all over the place and I’ve been having a hard time getting motivated. Nothing really bad happened, I was just in a weird head space. Now I need a change.
And yeah, the beginning of the year seems like a new start and would be the perfect time to do all the changes, right? But here’s my problem with January : it’s the middle of winter. You don’t see the problem in that? First, it’s cold and when it’s cold I want to stay home under my blankets, binge on any Netflix show, drink hot chocolate and eat junk. Not a good start for that ‘’ I’ll go to the gym and eat healthy’’ resolution, uh? I know it’s not meant to be easy and all, but spring seem to me like it would be a way better time to start working out. Maybe it doesn’t make sense, I don’t know. Also I don’t see the sun at all in January, leaving home as the sun rises and coming back after the sun went down and working in a windowless office, and that’s enough to make me give up on anything I thought I would achieve.
I’m being pessimistic? Yeah, probably. But I also know myself and I know I always have a hard time in winter. January and February are the absolute worst.
Okay, okay, all that wasn’t the whole point of this post. I actually wanted to write something that was going to be somewhat positive and motivational and that’s where I’m going if you’ll just keep reading a little.
A few weeks back I came across a blog post (I wish I could link to it, but I didn’t take note of it) and the girl was saying how she decided not to take a new year resolution for 2017, but to set a new goal every month instead. That was such a revelation for me. See, I always want to do a million thing but become overwhelmed really fast even by my own thought and ideas. Setting one monthly goal and focusing only on that one thing for the month seems like a simple fix to my multitasking brain.
There’s a few things I want to work on (and by a few I mean about 7 598 things). I want to be more healthy, I want to spend more time on things that makes me happy in the long run, I want to waste less time…
I haven’t decided what goals I’m going to set every single months yet but I already have some ideas.
One things I’d like to do is to be able run and enjoy it. I want to see, starting from zero, how long I could run for after a whole month of practicing every day. That’s definitely one goal I won’t work on right away, because, ya know… winter… I’ll do it somewhere in the spring so I have no excuses of the weather being too cold or too warm to workout.
I also want to go a full month without watching any TV. No Netflix, no Amazon Prime. Not even YouTube videos will be aloud. Watching TV is my biggest time waster. I LOVE watching series. I love it too much. I know we all like binging on some Netflix from time to time but for me it’s definitely becoming problematic. I always feel like I have no time to work on projects that make me feel accomplished but deep down I know I would have had time to write that one blog post or to work on a new design project for my portfolio if only I had not watched that one extra episode. This might double up as a reading month too.
For January, Joey and I have decided to set the same goal : No process food. We both love cooking but end up buying frozen pizza once or twice a week because it’s easy and fast. BUT IT’S SO BAD FOR YOU! I guess there’s no harm in having it once in a while, but now it’s just too much. I also want to cut down on gluten to see if that’s what I’m reacting badly to. Over the holiday I’ve cook with my mom and I’ll bring back a few things to keep in the freezer to give us a chance on those really busy day but otherwise everything will be made by us.
With this one goal a month goal idea I am hoping to prove to myself that I can do whatever I put my mind to. It’s not as easy to give up if you can count the day until the month is done. With some of these goals I also want to create habits that will stick with me in the following months and years to come.
I wish I can enjoy running at the end of that spring month enough to stick with it. I know after that I won’t be running everyday, but if I can only want to do it once a week that would be a total win. Except for January, I’m not getting out if I don't’ absolutely have to… Maybe ‘’learn to enjoy winter’’ should be one of my goals. Or maybe I’ll keep it for next year.
I might touch base later this year and keep you updated on which goals I achieved, or the ones I cheated on. I hope this inspired some of you to be kinder to yourself on your resolutions setting for the next year. One month is not such a long time...
What are your resolution(s) for 2019?
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