My Living Room Right Now

If you're following me on Instagram you've probably seen many photos of our new apartment. I say new, but we've moved in July so I guess it's not that new anymore... My favorite room, and the one I post the most photos of, is definitely the living room.

One disclaimer before I get any further in this post: As you'll see in some photos my place is kinda messy. I know I have a lot of stuff and I definitely need to KonMari my place a little but I've been wanting to do that type of room tour post for years (even in previous apartments) but keep pushing back because it never looks perfect enough, never tidy enough or whatever. No more. This is how my place looks. I love my apartment. It's not perfect, I still have to work on it but that's okay.

The building dates from the 1930's and there's a lot of original features: the floors, the moldings, the wooden doors and door frames... I love all of it!

I still haven't decorated much. So far there's frames above the TV and the one in the stairs (not so sure of that one). All the other walls are bare but I kind like it, to me it looks very clear and minimal. I'm planning to add a little more, but I definitely won't go crazy with it. The one place I feel is really missing something is the wall above the couch but I still don't know what it needs.

I'll try to do some updates when I finally install the shelves next to the window or when I find something to go above the couch. Talking of that wall, do you have any ideas? I'm a bit lost to be honest, I have no idea what to do with it...

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