If you've read my first post of this year, Setting Goals for 2019, you know I've was planning on setting a new goal every month. As March comes to an end I thought I'd cover how the first few months of 2019 have been and what I'm planning for the remaining of the year.
My goal for January was to not eat process food (and bad food in general). I completely failed. We ordered food a few times. There's also always (junk) food at my job and it's often hard to resist. I also forgot my lunch home one time and had to buy food in the vending machine which is not ideal. We also hadn't been home for two weeks for the Christmas holidays and haven't been prepping food so we bought some frozen pizza for dinners. Looking back on it now, I feel like even if it wasn't a super healthy month, it also was not that bad. I eat pretty well for more than half of the month. I remember putting lots of pressure on myself to not give in to any temptation and being upset if I had one piece of chocolate my colleagues brought to work... But really, is it even that bad? It's not great or the healthiest but it's also not the end of the world...
My goal for February was to not spend money on unnecessary things. I did pretty good for that month! The only few, small things I bought that were not necessary was mostly food. Things like frozen pizza for dinner when I probably would have been able to find something to cook in my own fridge. We ordered sushi for Valentine Day too but I feel like days like that are exceptions. I also went on a little thrift shopping spree a few days before the end of the month. However I think this is pretty good compared to how much I had been spending in previous months. Even now, almost a month after, I feel like I've learned from that no spend month. Even in March I've been pretty good. Ultimately this is what I want from these challenges, I want to come out of that month and make the most of what I've learned and make new healthy habits for the future.
March was a weird one. I started the month wanting to look for a new job (and having sending CVs as my goal) but changed my mind a few days in (hello too comfortable job that makes you find 1000 to stay even if you're at a point where you need some new challenges!). So instead I decided my goal would be to work hard and finish all my blog posts, YouTube videos and Instagram photos for both March and April. Well I can tell you I haven't have any blog post ready in advance this whole month and I certainly don't have any of them ready for next month! I did film my April video last week and I'm in the process of editing it (here read I've uploaded the footage to my computer and haven't touched it yet). On the Instagram front I've been in a real rut. Obviously there's the whole algorithm thing that makes me feel like whatever I do there's never going to be any growth, so what's the point? The point usually is that I like taking and planning photos but lately it's been feeling like a chore and I can see it's affecting the quality of the photos. Technically I did achieved my goal. I have photos planned until the end of April (I'm only missing 1 or 2 and I still have time to take them) but I only did by spreading them out and by going back to older photos that haven't been used there before. The thing I'm the most exited about in this whole blogging thing is my new YouTube channel and I will edit my video this week (no choice, it's going up next Tuesday — it's a thrift haul) and I'm also planning to film an other video on Friday. Overall I wouldn't say this month goal was achieved but I also wouldn't say it was a fail.
In April I want to start running. It's something I've never really done before and I'm actually super excited to start! I downloaded the Couch to 10k app and from what I've seen so far they make you run 3 times a week. I'll also try to do some small body exercise on the off days too. Hopefully there won't be any ice left on the sidewalks when we get there. It has melted a lot in the last couple of weeks but I can still see ice in the mornings and it worries me. Likewise, I've enjured my knee last fall and after months it's finally feeling good again so I'm hoping I won't get any problems from that.
So far this year had its ups and downs but that life so that's okay. I will try to do better in the following months and with the weather getting nicer I can see myself getting more motivated to work on my goals. I'm really excited to start running next week (this is definitely something I'd never thought I'd say) and I'm excited to spend more time outside in the sun and have my batteries recharged!
Have you been successful in achieving your goals lately?
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