Beauty Wishlist : July 2015

My birthday is next week, and I've been asked, from my parents and boyfriend, to get them ideas of what I want to receive as a gift. At first I had no idea, then I started searching around and found lots of stuff. I though making some sort of wish list post would be fun. Most of these have been on my wish list for a long time, but I usually don't like to spurge, so I just look at them from afar.


Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush foundation

COVER FX Custom Cover Drops

Yves Saint Laurent Le teint touche éclat illuminating foundation

1 comment :

  1. Every year when it's my birthday I don't know what I want, and then I spend the rest of the year making wishlists haha! Everything from YSL would be amazing as a decadent birthday gift. Can't wait to see what you get. I'm currently on the lookout for some cute dainty jewelry

    Raincouver Beauty
